; 3.1 DelayCount = [1|30|60] (Default = 15) ; 3.2 RateCount = [1|30|60] (Default = 1)
; You can set the time after which the action will be repeated. ; 1= 16ms ; 30 = 500ms ; 60 = 1s
DelayCount=15 RateCount=1 设置按键延迟,最好别乱修改。
; Specified number. (unit of sec) ; Anything turns off the backlight when there is no key input. ; WhenStandby=FileClosed WhenPicture=BMP/Jpeg etc. WhenText=Text WhenSound=NSF/MP3 etc.
WhenStandby=10 ----------------无任务时 WhenPicture=15 ----------------浏览图片时 WhenText=30 -------------------阅读电子书时 WhenSound=10 ------------------播放音乐时 设置各种状态下关闭背光所需的时间(单位是秒)。
; Show/Hide windows. (0=Show, 1=Hide)
hiddenAboutWindow=0 -----------关于窗口 hiddenHelpWindow=0 ------------帮助窗口 hiddenDateTimeWindow=0 --------时间窗口 显示/隐藏各种窗口(0为显示,1为隐藏)
; 5.4 StartupSound = [0|1|2] (Default = 1)
; This is for defining if starting sound is played or not when starting MoonShell. ; Random starting sound will select randomly one mp3 from the folder to play. ; 0 = Starting sound off ; 1 = Starting sound on ; 2 = Random starting sound
StartupSound=1 设置系统启动声音,0为关闭,1为开启,2为随机
; 6.1 Mode = [0|1|2|3] (Default = 3)
; Thumbnail and full screen preview settings. ; 0 = Off ; 1 = Only thumbnail preview ; 2 = Only full screen preview ; 3 = Thumbnail preview and full screen preview
Mode=3 设置图片浏览模式,0为关闭,1为只有缩小预览模式,2为只有全屏预览模式,3为缩小和全屏模式都有。
; 7.1 SpacePixel = [N](Default = 1)
; Defines distance between two lines of text in pixels. ; N can be any integer in [1..191-FontHeightInPixels] range.
SpacePixel=1 设置显示TXT文档时,每两行字之间间隔多少象素。
; 8.1 CrashMeProtection = [0|1] (Default = 1)
; DS destructive Trojan: 'Trojan.DSBrickA/B' can break your system to useless brick. ; MoonShell can check files before opening them. It only takes a second to check. ; It's not recommended to set this security check off. ; 0 = Protection Off ; 1 = Protection On
CrashMeProtection=1 设置开启防止nds变板砖的病毒的防护功能与否,0为关闭,1为开启。
; 10.2 ImageMode = [0|1] (Default = 0)
; Single or double screens can be used for displaying images. Double screen mode ; has a limited support. ; 0 = Single display mode ; 1 = Double display mode
ImageMode=0 设置图片模式,可以使用单屏或者双屏。0为单屏,1为双屏。
; 10.3 DrawFileInfo = [0|1] (Default = 1)
; The file informations are displayed in GUI, if there are informations. ; 0 = Hide informations ; 1 = Show informations
DrawFileInfo=1 设置显示文件信息与否,0为隐藏,1为显示。
; 10.4 VerticalPadding = [N] (Default = 96)
; The size of the space between upper and lower screen can be set when using Double ; display mode (value: ImageMode=1).
VerticalPadding=96 设置在双屏显示图片时,上屏和下屏间间隔多少像素。
; 11.1 Enabled = [0|1] (Default = 1)
; Displaying the clock plug-in. ; 0 = Hide ; 1 = Display Enabled=1 设置使用时钟插件与否,0为不使用,1为使用。
; 11.2 RTC24Hour = [0|1] (Default = 1)
; Defining hour time format. ; 0 = 12-hour time format (with: AM/PM -letters) ; 1 = 24-hour time format RTC24Hour=1 设置时间的表示格式,0为12小时制,1为24小时制。