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E3 2009:潜入恶魔城?谣言小岛将会接手恶魔城


《黑暗之神》事实上在去年就已经公开,当时计划由马德里的Mercury Steam开发,原计划为一款全新的“动作冒险”游戏。现在看起来似乎已经改变了,游戏或许已经被重新定位为一款全新的《恶魔城》游戏,将会登录Xbox360和PS3。

更新或许没有那么困难,因为游戏的第一部视频看起来非常像恶魔城的世界,主角,Gabriel,挥舞着一把武器,著名的Combat Cross,有点像鞭子,有点像刺的武器。



The reins of Konami's Castlevania franchise may be handed to Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions, as the developer is listed as partly responsible for a new game in the series Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.

Lords of Shadow was actually announced at last year's Games Convention, a title to be developed by Madrid-based Mercury Steam and originally pitched as the foundation of a new "action-adventure IP." Looks like that might have changed, as the game may have been retrofitted to be a new Castlevania game for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Not that difficult of a retrofit maybe, as the game's first trailer showed a cast that looked very much at home in the Castlevania universe, with a protagonist named Gabriel wielding the hilt of a weapon—known as the Combat Cross—that's part whip, part stabbing weapon.

The Castlevania: Lords of Shadow connection comes as part of a triumvirate of Gamespress leaks and may be tied to Kojima Productions "Mask" project. Will Mr. Kojima have another sneaky announcement planned for Sony's E3 press conference tomorrow? Tune in and find out!

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