作者:[tgbus]liugong123 来源:原帖地址
A Prime Problem-Complete Defend Iacon on any difficulty. 任意难度下完成关卡 Defend Iacon
The Last Prime -Complete Kaon Prison Break on any difficulty. 任意难度下完成关卡 Kaon Prison Break
You Got the Touch-Complete To the Core on any difficulty. 任意难度下完成关卡 To the Core
The War Within Complete Aerial Assault on any difficulty. 任意难度下完成关卡 Aerial Assault
The Harder They Fall-Complete One Shall Stand on any difficulty. 任意难度下完成关卡 One Shall Stand
Paging Ratchet -Revive 5 Autobot soldiers in Defend Iacon. 在关卡 Defend Iacon中救起五名汽车人战士
Beak Breaker-Shoot the 3 Hidden Laserbeaks throughout Kaon Prison Break. 在关卡 Kaon Prison Break中攻击3个隐藏的 Laserbeak(就是音波放出的那个磁带式的机械小鸟)
Slugfest-Save the Slug before it is executed in To the Core. 在关卡 To the Core中,拯救 Slug,别让他被处决。
Powerglide Performer -Fly through the coolant tunnels in 23 seconds in Aerial Assault. 在关卡 Aerial Assault中,23秒内穿越冷却剂管道