The flashed file has a size of 50 blocks so you should see 004F when
the flashing is done.
4. Programming the CPLD
Power your CPLD with 3.3V on pin 20 and GND on pin 21. There are
many solution to do this ... here are some of them :
· Use an old DVD drive supply cable by cutting 5 and 6 cable (3.3V
and GND) and connect it to the a CK or the motherboard drive
Solder the pin 20 to the J2C1.8 point of the motherboard and pin
21 (GND) to a point of the motherboard like the legs of the
various connector-metalcasing.
使用一根老版机光驱的电源连接线 切断第5和第6根线(3.3V和接地)然后连接他到电源板或者360主机上或者焊接第20脚到J2C1.8这个点 ,接地的话可以接在主板上的任何金属部分都是接地。
Grab your LPT/USB XilinX JTAG programmer cable. Connect the
cable to the PC and the CPLD.(If you don't have one, you can use
GliGli's schematic to build a LPT JTAG Programmer)
使用你的 LPT或USB XILINX JTAG编程器线 连接电脑和CPLD 如果你没有你可以自己用LPT打印头按照下面的图纸自己做一根编程线