Welcome to THIS IS AMERICA This Friday, millions of American Christians will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, their lord. football jerseysMany families will sing traditional Christmas carols and exchange gifts around decorated trees. And many will attend special church services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. thermoforming machines Reporter Jerilyn Watson spoke with David Denoon, senior minister at the First Congregational Church of Evanston, Illinois, near Chicago. This is his second year there.He says that at the early service on Christmas Eve, he will begin with a question for the children. What might Jesus want for his birthday? safety Then he will turn his talk toward the adults. DAVID DENOON: "My intention is to spin that for the adults as well, to be talking about our relationship with RFID tagsGod and that we find that relationship most special in our relationship with Jesus."Reverend Denoon will also lead a second service on the night before Christmas.Example of a stained-glass nativity scene DAVID DENOON: reflective stickers"One of the great traditions that I really appreciate here at First Congregational is that we do an annual service of 'Nine Lessons and Carols,' custom signswhich is in the old King's College tradition from England. And the ending of the service is, everyone has just sung 'Silent Night.' We've lit candles, we've turned off the lights, everyone is sittingbarcode labels in darkness except for the lights of their candles as the final reading is read. And at the conclusion of the reading the bell is tolled at midnight and we then sing "Joy to the World." Major holidays are often when houses of religious worship are most busy. warning labelsAnd that means extra work for members of the clergy. Frank Kurimsky is the priest at a Roman Catholic booster cablechurch in Oakmont, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. Saint Irenaeus Parish is celebrating one hundred one years in existence. Between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Father Kurimsky will be busy with four services, and another priest will lead a fifth. Orthodox Christmas is observed on January seventh, based on the Julian calendar. However, the Orthodox Church in America says most of its members follow the revised Julian calendar and celebrate on December twenty-fifth. "Merry Christmas" is the traditional holiday greeting used by millions of Americans. But these days a great many say "Happy Holidays." Some people are happy about the change. But others are not, including this woman in the state of Mississippi named Merry. MERRY TIGERT: "Not everyone is Christian. h 2000 ot runner systemBut I would hope that most people who celebrate Christmas in any form understand its origins. And even though historically there's no indication glue gunthat Jesus Christ was born in December, that's just the day that has traditionally been used to celebrate the birth of the Son of God on Earth. Other people may choose to say 'Happy Holidays,' but to me that just doesn't say enough.rfid tag"Merry Tigert says people like to have fun with her name at Christmastime. But her name also causes misunderstandings. Many people hear it and think it is Mary, M-A-R-Y, instead of M-E-R-R-Y.name plates We asked how she got her unusual name. MERRY TIGERT: "When my mother was expecting me, she was expecting a boy to come along in January.solar water heater And instead a little girl came along in December, oh, about a week before Christmas.ugg cardy boots So she didn't have a girl's name picked out. She had been addressing Christmas cards, and the only thing that came to her mind was 'Merry' as in Merry Christmas." Merry arrived seven years after her mother had her first childname plates -- and she was quite a Christmas gift. You see, the doctor had told her mother that she could not have any more children. That was Merry Tigert's favorite Christmas song. But adults are Vat dyesnot the only ones who have something to say about the holiday season.HANNAH:"My name is Hannah"REPORTER: And what's your favorite thing about Christmas?"Pear pigmentHANNAH: "That we get to spend time with our family."Reporter June Simms talked to some schoolchildren.CHILDREN: "We get to open presents." "Getting to see my family." "Celebrating with our familybrand handbags." "Presents!" "I usually get presents that say Santa Claus on them but I'm not really sure if they're from him." Now, about Santa Claus air max90...CHILDREN: "He has a sleigh with flying reindeer. Kids go tell him what they want for Christmas and then he's kind of like the spirit who brings you presents." "On Christmas Eve we lay out cookies and milk and carrots. gas scooter performance partsThe carrots are for the reindeer, and the cookies and milk for Santa Claus." "We put out some vegetables for Santa Claus and a glass of water, and then when we woke up there was a note from Santa Claus."
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Public schools United States have to be neutral about religion, Sealing Machineeven though they close for holidays like Christmas. The Constitution separates religion from government. Researcher Charles Haynes explains wh